For profit businesses are created to generate revenue and profit.
Business owners that understand their industry make decisions that will cause their organization to prosper. In most cases, one of the fastest ways to profit is to be your own landlord.
Take a look at some of the reasons why being your own landlord is a superior business decision.
Owning your own commercial property, increases your net worth as you now have an asset that is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars or more.
Increasing your asstes also means increasing your collateral. The more collateral you have the more ability you have to leverage and grow.
Having the right capital partner can help save even more money and increase your bottom line year-after-year.
You can compare the rates of multiple lenders with a single 15 minute submission. The Network lenders have closed billions of dollars in transactions. Try our loan matching service free of charge.
Many businesses use specialized equipment, machinery, or fixtures that are difficult and/or expensive to move.
Or maybe the business requires extensive renovations to increase efficiency.
What if the landlord does not renew your lease when it expires you could be facing extensive costs, particularly if the lease stipulates that you must return the premises to the original condition when you leave.
All of these scenarios can be avoided when you actually own your commercial property.
You can compare the rates of multiple lenders with a single 15 minute submission. The Network lenders have closed billions of dollars in transactions. Try our loan matching service free of charge.
Owning your own property means that you can avoid landlords that cut cost by neglecting maintenance, security and capital improvements. You can improve your property which will improve your operations and ultimately your profit.
Additionally, by using the Section 179 Deduction you can save on your tax bill when you purchase needed equipment and other qualifying property.
You can compare the rates of multiple lenders with a single 15 minute submission. The Network lenders have closed billions of dollars in transactions. Try our loan matching service free of charge.
Subletting the extra space on your commercial property is an excellent way to generate additional revenue.
Consider if you have the patients required to be a landlord to others before getting started as a landlord to
You can compare the rates of multiple lenders with a single 15 minute submission. The Network lenders have closed billions of dollars in transactions. Try our loan matching service free of charge.
The building can be a great investment, however, much of it’s earning potential will depend on the cost of capital.
With a cost effective loan, you can save more, earn more and leverage more.
You can compare the rates of multiple lenders with a single 15 minute submission. The Network lenders have closed billions of dollars in transactions. Try our loan matching service free of charge.
Owning your own premises means that you know what your future costs will be. By owning the property the real estate component of your business overhead is fixed for the loan period. The cost of capital will impact your overall fixed expenses. The Network can provide you with cost effective options for the life of your property.
You can avoid costly leasing fees and landlord junk fees.
You can compare the rates of multiple lenders with a single 15 minute submission. The Network lenders have closed billions of dollars in transactions. Try our loan matching service free of charge.